
Posts Tagged ‘transfer rumours’

Ducky’s Note: Ok, there was an article here, but we’ve decided it wasn’t that funny or cool, so we’re taking it down. We would like to reiterate though, for those of you who have read it, that it was completely 100% fiction and what turned out to be a slightly uncool attempt at a joke.  As an aside, this video is still pretty funny though, so there you go!

Also, find our first post in this series, and a truly funny one here.


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Ducky’s Note about the column: As football followers, we all have our fair share of other sites where we read and discuss football. We have also been subjected to some very inane ‘comments’ from ‘experts’ on quite a few of them. Our new column, ‘BFZ Times’ hopes to address this situation by expressing what we feel about all their ‘rumors’ and ‘transfer gossip’ and such. We must acknowledge right here our inspiration – some of the leading lights of football media such as a newspaper whose name shines brightly in summer, and a site which has football ‘all days of the year’ as its name. Also, massive apologies about the clearly attention-baiting headline. As I said, we’ve been truly inspired.

Ducky’s Note about the author: To help us in this noble endevour, BFZ presents its still-latest contributor (it seems to be the season for them doesn’t it?). Arun has been a Liverpool fan for 10 years now, and is very pained with the current state of the club (which fan isn’t?). Lately though he has accepted the ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ philosophy (as seen by the post) and enjoys laughing about the sorry state of his club. And before all of you attack him for being so disloyal, he IS still going to stick by them through seasons to come. No matter who their manager is.

Fucks to be a manager

In a move which is bound to send waves of laughter in Manchester and the blue half of Merseyside amongst other places, Liverpool look set to appoint former Porto and Benfica star, Argelico Fucks as their new manager. (more…)

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